Solve the Problem - 4 How-To Steps

1 - Home & Attic Inspection

Inspect the exterior of the home, including the roof and all vents, to find out how the animals are getting in. Also inspect inside the attic to identify animal and damage.

2 - Remove the Animals

This process is not simple, and it varies considerably based on animal type and situation. You might use an exclusion door, or a cage trap, or removal by hand.

3 - Repair the Entry Holes

The job is not complete until you solve the source of the problem. Seal shut the entry holes, with professional grade repairs, or else the problem will happen again.

4 - Clean the Attic

In addition to repairing chewed electrical wires and damaged duct work, you might want to remove the animal feces, maybe the insulation, and decontaminate.

Having a problem past in your yard, home, or business can be a serious problem. These animals leave their waste behind, which can cause mold, mildew, and health related issues. They also cause damage to your property, chewing on electrical wires were damaging the exterior of your property. You need professional help that can assist you in removing these animals, and for over 10 years we have provided expert service to the people in this community. Our team of professional technicians are experts in handling any kind of animal problem you may have. It doesn’t matter whether your issue is with mammals, reptiles, or birds, we have the team that can help you. In addition, we also provide professional grade repairs to your building. This means that we can help you to get rid of your critter, and ensure that it is not able to get back in again. We help with damaged areas, as well as cleanup. Urine and feces from these animals can leave foul odors and we are able to help you with these problem spots. Most importantly to us, we treat our customers the way they deserve to be treated – with courtesy and respect. We are a family run business who is never forgotten that it is our customers that are the most important part of our business. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So, if you have a nuisance animal, call us right away. We are ready to assist you.